SHERMAN OAKS, Calif. — EDebitPay is proud to be the developer and sponsor of the ICN Consumer Protection “Check-List”. Helping and allowing the consumer to make an “informed decision” is, and has always been, an important goal for EDebitPay. Certain information, depending upon the nature of the website, is required to be easily available and easy to comprehend for any such informed decision to be made.
Dale Paul Cleveland, CEO of EDebitPay, and William Wilson, President of EDebitPay, each agree that being an industry leader means it is up to EDebitPay to launch this new initiative. It is imperative that EDebitPay makes every effort to ensure consumers are given all the necessary information required to make an informed decision about whatever product or service is being marketed online. “It should apply to ALL online marketing, not just to EDebitPay products and services,” says Wilson.
Cleveland said that the “Internet Compliance Network (ICN) was created in a sincere effort to provide consumers with valuable knowledge about how to make an INFORMED DECISION online, regardless of whose site it is. All material information should be clearly and conspicuously visible on the face of the application or site.” Less material information should not be more than one click away.
Initially, the ICN logo will appear only on EDebitPay managed websites. The logo is a “live” link and provides several short and easily understood pages intended to provide a basic “check-list” consumers can use to help make sure they understand all the important details. The check-list suggests that consumers read the entire site, carefully and completely. It is also a good idea to print-out and save particularly important pages. While ICN professes no guarantees, EDebitPay believes the check-list can only serve to help.
According to William Wilson, President of EDebitPay, “In the near future, we plan to make the ICN logo available to other advertisers who can pass a stringent website review and maintain that site according to strict compliance standards.”
Today, the ICN logo is available only on EDebitPay sites. As it is developed further, considerations will be made to allow non-EDebitPay qualifying sites to display the ICN logo. However, IComplyNet will not guarantee the integrity of any website. Changes to the site and errors in the site’s operation may occur and cause confusion with the site’s content. Meanwhile, EDebitPay will make every effort to maintain its websites to a clarity level deserving of displaying the ICN logo. ICN will, from time to time, update the check-list to keep up with advancing technology and advertising methods. If, upon periodic review, ICN discovers that a site has changed or requires upgrading to meet new standards, ICN will block that site from displaying its ICN logo.
Visit to see additional information and a growing list of websites deserving to display the ICN logo.
ICN is determined to provide this information to the consumer in ways that apply to all online shopping or informational websites, not just EDEBITPAY websites.
Read entire site completely & carefully.
Sponsored by EDebitPay, LLC
Click ICN icon for complete Check-List
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EDebitPay is an online marketer of financial service products and was founded in 2002 by Dale Paul Cleveland and William Richard Wilson. It started with its prepaid debit cards and has licensing deals with celebrity entities such as Elvis Presley, Mother Love, Johnny Cash and Freeway.