Friday, August 1, 2008

EDebitPay Has Special Price Increase on Travel – Computer – CreditRepair and Consumer Credit Products

EDebitPay Has Given a Price Increase! See Your Account!

[Travel] Players Vacation Club - 680 -

Travel Now, Pay Later with PlayersVacationClub with Bonus Prepaid MasterCard! Includes up to $3,000 credit line for travel at 0.0% PLUS a Bonus Prepaid MasterCard® Card with $2500 Max Load Value! Get this Brand New offer with TOP conversion TODAY!

[Credit] My Computer Club - 679 -

Buy Now, Pay Later with MyComputerClub with Bonus Prepaid MasterCard! Includes up to $3,000 credit line for computer merchandise at 0.0% PLUS a Bonus Prepaid MasterCard® Card with $2500 Max Load Value! Get this Brand New offer with TOP conversion TODAY!

Credit Help] CreditHelp with Bonus Card - 645

Exclusive to EDebitPay - Academy Credit with a BONUS Prepaid MasterCard® Card! Give consumers the chance they need to repair their credit and receive a BONUS prepaid MasterCard at no cost. Great new site and creative with HIGH EPC!

[3 in 1] HomeLandBenefits - 702 -

3 TOP offers in 1 application! The top converting Homeland site with a $12,500 Credit Line to premium shopping with NAME BRAND products, Separate Unsecured Cash Advance Loan up to $1500, and a Bonus Prepaid MasterCard® Card with $2500 Max Load Value! New landing page with HUGE Conversions! Check out this HOT offer TODAY!

Come see us at AffliateSummitEast in Boston!

Bill Wilson - 818-487-0672 x107
Monica Miller - 818-487-0672 x 106
Roland Navarro - 818-487-0672 x 308
Diana Lopez - 818-487-0672 x 303
Toni Lashley - 818-487-0672 x 301

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